Which of the following statements is TRUE:
<10% of dogs have an anxiety disorder
10% - 20% of dogs have an anxiety disorder
>20% of dogs have an anxiety disorder
>30% of dogs have an anxiety disorder
Which of the following neurotransmitters are all involved in the development of fear and anxiety?
Serotonin / Dopamine / Adrenaline / GABA
Serotonin / Dopamine / Noradrenaline / GABA
Glutamate / Dopamine / Noradrenalin / GABA
Serotonin / Glutamate / Adrenalin / GABA
What is the schematic order of brain analysis for an anxious animal?
Sensory Input - Thalamus – Amygdala – Response
Sensory Input - Thalamus – Amygdala – Neo Cortex – Response
Sensory Input - Thalamus – Neo Cortex – Amygdala – Response
Sensory Input – Amygdala – Thalamus – Neo Cortex – Response
In a vet clinic situation, what are 4 observable signs of fear / anxiety in a dog?
Panting / Shaking / Ears forward /Yawning
Panting / Grooming / Ears back / Sleeping
Shaking / Crouching / Constricted pupils / Lip licking
Grabbing food / Dilated pupils / Sniffing / Ears forward
When it comes to treatment of canine anxiety, what do the 4 M’s stand for?
Behaviour Modification / Environmental Management / Medication / Mindfulness
Behaviour Modification / Environmental Management / Medication / Monitor
Environmental Modification / Behavioural Management / Medication / Monitor
Behaviour Modification / Environmental Management / Medication / Manual Therapy