
Thurid Johnstone


Thurid is an ECVIM-CA board certified specialist in Internal Medicine and works as Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine at the U-Vet Hospital of the University of Melbourne.  She graduated in Veterinary Science from Leipzig University (Germany) and subsequently completed a PhD in Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Massey University (NZ), an internship program in Auckland (NZ) and a residency in Dublin (Ireland).  Thurid’s main interest areas in internal medicine are urology/nephrology and endocrinology. She has had the pleasure of looking after many hyperthyroid cats and has been part of a team researching signs and management of feline hyperthyroidism in Australia.


Hyperthyroidism in cats: Disease severity impacts diagnosis and management

Speaker: Thurid Johnstone

Hypothyroidism in cats: when, why and how

Speaker: Thurid Johnstone